
Get updated RFPs

Retrieve list of RFPs submitted to user's Property or Form, updated after specified date. For efficiency, results are paginated.

API ACCESS: You must have professional SpeedRFP account to get an API Key. Please contact our sales team if you have any questions.


  GET /rest/rfp/


  GET /rest/rfp/?property_key=XXXXX&date=YYYY-MM-DD&page=Z
  GET /rest/rfp/?form_key=YYYYY&date=YYYY-MM-DD&page=Z

Query string parameters

property_key required, unless form_key has been provided
Access token of the Property
form_key required, unless property_key has been provided
Access token of the Form
date required
Start date
page optional
Page of results (default 0)

Successful response format

    success: true
    response: {
        total_count:  total number of found rfps
        page_count:   number of pages
        page_size:    max number of results on single page
        rfps: [       array of RFPs
                rfp_id:     ID of the RFP
                event:      name of the event
                updated_at: date when it was last updated
                status:     status of the RFP

Error responses

403   –   Property or Form with given access token has not been found

    success: false
    response: "permission denied"

404   –   RFP with given ID, submitted to selected Property or Form, has not been found

    success: false
    response: "rfp not found"

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